Produce Common Sense
We all learn from each other. Come along as I share what I have learned and while I learn, and get to know the people who produce the food that you eat. Please Rate, Review And Subscribe. Thank You For Listening.
27 episodes
Ag Industry Needs to Get Together and Share Their Story - Episode 26
The agriculture industry faces a critical need to unify and amplify its narrative.In this episode, we talk with Patrick Kelly, Founder and Host of The Produce Industry Podcast, Produce and Supply Chain Industry Expert, about how the Ag I...

Tips To Maximize Your Trade Show Experience - Episode 25
In this episode, we talk about how to maximize your Trade Show experience. We talk with Ross Nelson, Executive in the Produce & Supply Chain Industry, Business Leader and Produce Advocate.Trade shows can be a whirlwind ...

Ranchers And Farmers, Differences And Similarities - Episode 24
In this episode, we discuss the differences and similarities between Ranchers and Farmers. We talk with Jay Doan, a Rancher, and Agropreneur from North Dakota Black Leg Ranch.Farmers actively cultivate crops through labor-intensive pract...
Season 2
Episode 24

AI And Robotics In Agriculture - Episode 23
In this episode, we discuss how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics are transforming the agricultural industry by helping farmers produce more food with less input, improve quality, and reduce costs. We talked with Maxence Guilla...
Season 2
Episode 23

Bio-Nutrients, Improving Soil Health - Episode 22
In this podcast episode, we delve into the world of soil Bio-Nutrients and uncover the secrets behind Redox Bio-Nutrients' remarkable success in empowering farmers and growers worldwide. Join us as we embark on a journey to Redox headquarters, ...
Season 1
Episode 22

Is Fair Trade Fair? - Episode 21
Fair Trade is a term for an arrangement designed to help producers in developing countries achieve sustainable and equitable trade relationships.The fair trade movement combines the payment of higher prices to exporters with impr...
Season 1
Episode 21

How Wokeness Can Improve Produce - Episode 20
In this Episode we talk about how wokeness can improve produce, we had a talk with Paul Manfre, consultant for the fresh produce industry from farm to table. Buyer, sales, and shipper of fresh produce.
Season 1
Episode 20

Let's Talk About Goals! - Episode 19
A goal is an objective or target that someone is trying to reach or achieve. The goal is also the end point of a race or something a player is trying to put an object into as part of a game. A goal is an aim or objective you work toward with ef...
Season 1
Episode 19

How to Grow, Plant, And Harvest Apples - Episode 18
Apples are one of the most valuable fruit crops in the United States. The 2021 apple crop totaled just over 10.5 billion pounds, down 5 million pounds from 2019. The United States has 5,000 plus apple producers who grow...
Season 1
Episode 18

Farmers Are Dumb! - Episode 17
On October 19th Ann Coulter an American Conservative, media pundit, author, syndicated columnist, and lawyer made a statement on the Social Media platform Twitter.Ann Tweeted:“If farmers ran the world, we'd still b...
Season 1
Episode 17

Life Changing Lessons Learned From Growing Up In A Small Town - Episode 16
Growing up in a small town has its pros and cons, and all the experiences in a small community may seem insignificant during your childhood, but they can actually play a significant role in shaping how you see the world as an adult.In th...
Season 1
Episode 16

Robots Are Invading Agriculture - Episode 15
Agricultural robots automate slow, repetitive, and dull tasks for farmers, allowing them to focus more on improving overall production yields. Some of the most common robots in agriculture are used for Harvesting, Picking, and Weed Control....
Season 1
Episode 15

A Candid Conversation About Immigration - Episode 14
“USA is a nation of immigrants. We are the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the ones who wanted a better life, the driven ones, the ones who woke up at night hearing that voice telling them that life in that place called Am...
Season 1
Episode 14

The Importance Of Supply Chain, The Challenges And Disruptions - Episode 13
Supply chain management is an essential part of business success. How well a company manages this process can directly translate into increased revenues. COVID Has disrupted supply chains around the world. But they’ve also be...
Season 1
Episode 13

AgTech - Episode 11
“AgTech” is an emerging economic sector that has the potential to completely reshape global agriculture, dramatically increasing the productivity of the agriculture system while reducing the environmental and social costs of curren...
Season 1
Episode 11

How Did An Onion Tree Get Me On Social Media - Episode 12
In this episode I will talk about how I ended up communicating and trying to teach about farming and agriculture all because of an onion tree, In this Episode you will know and understand a little more about me and my motivation, the purpose an...
Season 1
Episode 12

Farming Is Enlightening And Frightening - Episode 10
In todays episode we speak with The Produce Nerd, Megan, about why she found her way onto the farm. Her background wasn’t farming, but once she saw how the crops were harvested she couldn’t help wanting to learn more, ...
Season 1
Episode 10

The Ten Best Steps To Grow Your Career - Episode 9
How do you reach the next level in your career?Most of us want to grow our careers, in some capacity. Perhaps moving up the ladder means more financial freedom, or a different social standing, or even a more fulfilling and challe...
Season 1
Episode 9

How And Why We Irrigate - Episode 8, Part One
The amount of moisture available at the different growth stages can affect how well the plants grow, their resistance to disease, and the yield of the crop. So farmers need to manage when they irrigate just as much as when they harvest!<...
Season 1
Episode 8

How And Why We Irrigate - Episode 8, Part Two
The amount of moisture available at the different growth stages can affect how well the plants grow, their resistance to disease, and the yield of the crop. So farmers need to manage when they irrigate just as much as when they harvest!<...
Season 1
Episode 8

Will Farmers Disappear In The Next 10 Years? - Episode 7
Not all farmers will disappear within 10 years, but as we've seen over the past couple of generations, their role will diminish. At one time, most Americans were farmers. Now, there are only 2 million across the country. ... In th...
Season 1
Episode 7

The Demonization Of Farmers: Why We Speak Out - Episode 6
Farmer demonization has become an acceptable pastime, but much of the criticism comes from a place of ignorance about the reality of life on the land.In this sixth episode of the Podcast I had a talk with Derrick Josi about how farmer fa...
Season 1
Episode 6

A Successful Immigrant's Story - Episode 5
America is a nation of immigrants, nearly one of every four Americans —70 million people — is an immigrant or the child of parents who came from another country. Some fled war, persecution, or environmental disaster; others pursued the A...
Season 1
Episode 5

The Challenges Of Hemp Farming - Episode 4
Growing crops of any type is no easy feat; the number of challenges farmers encounter can seem overwhelming to newcomers and outsiders and can change on a yearly basis or even more often. Hemp growers face a lot of challenges, too, some of whic...
Season 1
Episode 4

The Huge Difference Between Organic Produce & Non - GMO Labels - Episode 3
Every year more Non-GMO products are being created, but there’s something really tricky and important you need to know about these products.What exactly does the “Non - GMO” label mean? And the difference with Organic Produce.
Season 1
Episode 3