Produce Common Sense

Will Farmers Disappear In The Next 10 Years? - Episode 7

By Shay Myers Season 1 Episode 7

Not all farmers will disappear within 10 years, but as we've seen over the past couple of generations, their role will diminish.  At one time, most Americans were farmers. Now, there are only 2 million across the country. ...

In this seventh episode of the Podcast I had a talk with Paul Manfre General MGR at TOP KATZ LLC about how Agriculture, an essential industry and the backbone of our society, is undergoing immense global stress. Pressing issues such as climate change, depleted resources, politics, shortage of workers  –  to name a few – are negatively impacting the industry as we know it. 

And while not all parts of the world will feel the effects to the same magnitude, the world’s overall food security is in jeopardy.  As a result, agriculture demands both study and action to successfully combat the full effects of all this issues.

#Farming #Farmers #Produce #Farm #Agriculture